Toon De Doncker

Toon De Doncker

As an independent IT professional for more than 25 years, Toon De Doncker has specialised over time in data protection and security, and of course in GDPR data privacy...   He is a Value Partner GDPR and IT of Impactbuilders. Toon is also a founding member of the Professional Association of Belgian Data Protection Officers DPO*pro.

In 2019, he founded DP Kwadraat, where D stands for Data and P for "Privacy" and "Protection".

 DPkwadraat When privacy becomes personal.

We familiarize your organization with the GDPR.
Together we will look for the best possible solution to regulate your organisation.
Concrete and practical!
Whatever your goals or questions are, I will help you get there. I give my clients the expertise, attention and thorough knowledge they need. That is my focus.


Toon is a certified data protection officer by PECB. He is a Microsoft Silver Partner for Small and Midmarket Cloud solutions. Toon also has Data Science certifications using R.

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